Experienced Anal Gland Draining Service

Anal gland draining, a vital aspect of pet grooming, involves the careful and gentle removal of fluid from a dog's anal glands. Our experienced groomers employ skilled techniques to ensure the well-being of your furry friend. Addressing potential discomfort and preventing complications. Trust us to perform this essential procedure with expertise and care, promoting your pet's overall health and hygiene. Our Anal gland draining service is exclusively offered for small dogs as we only do external extraction. For bigger dogs, more often then not, they are extracted internally and is a procedure done by a veterinarian.

For a complete list of prices for our services, please see our 'Grooming Services' page.

What is anal gland draining?

Anal Gland Draining also known as expressing anal glands, is a procedure in which a veterinarian or groomer manually releases fluid from the anal glands of a pet, usually a dog. These glands, located on either side of the anus, can become impacted or infected, requiring manual expression to alleviate discomfort and prevent more serious issues. It is essential to have this done by a professional to avoid injury or infection.

What are anal glands on dogs?

Anal glands in dogs are small sacs located on either side of the anus. These glands secrete a fluid with a distinct scent, often released during bowel movements or when a dog is marking their territory. Occasionally, these glands can become impacted or infected, leading to discomfort for the dog. Regular check-ups and, if necessary, expressing the anal glands by a professional groomer or veterinarian help maintain your dog's well-being and prevent potential issues.